Bannière de mandalas créés par Alice Lambert Design

Discover the benefits of mandala art on your brand.

Wellness and originality

Passionate about mandala art since 2016, I’ve developed a unique style over the years.
Beyond simple geometry, each drawing is an invitation to a visual journey where balance and inspiration meet.
Unlike traditional mandalas found in stores, my mandalas incorporate a main subject that tells
a story, evokes memories and conveys emotions.

My unique approach is based on the idea that each mandala is a gateway to a universe,
whether a soothing natural scene or a moment of contemplation. These mandalas are designed not only
to captivate the eye, but also to inspire. Their originality makes them perfect for companies seeking
distinctive, soothing visual creations that convey positive values.

Maquette produit d'une affiche encadrée avec un mandala illustré d'une nuit étoilée en montagne dessus. Mockup of a mandala on a framed poster, designed with a mountain night sky. Illustration @AliceLambertDesign
Maquette produit d'un carnet avec un mandala illustré d'une nuit étoilée en montagne dessus. Mockup of a mandala on a notebook, designed with a mountain night sky. Illustration @AliceLambertDesign
Maquette produit d'un coussin avec un mandala illustré d'un arbre dessus. Mockup of a mandala on a cushion, designed with the illustration of a tree. Illustration @AliceLambertDesign
Maquette produit de plusieurs cartes de voeux, illustrées avec des mandalas floraux. Mockup of several cards with floral mandalas on them. Illustration @AliceLambertDesign
Demie illustration d'un mandala floral avec un nénuphar en son centre. Illustration @AliceLambertDesign
Maquette d'une carte de voeux Bonne fête Maman avec l'illustration d'un mandala floral. Mockup of a card with the illustration of a floral mandala. Illustration et photo @AliceLambertDesign
Maquette produit d'une une bouteille isotherme avec un mandala illustré d'un nénuphar dessus. Mockup of a mandala on a water bottle, designed with the illustration of a waterlilly flower. Illustration @AliceLambertDesign
Maquette produit d'une une pochette tissu avec un mandala illustré d'un fushia dessus. Mockup of a mandala on a toileteries bag, designed with the illustration of a fushia flower. Illustration @AliceLambertDesign
Maquette produit d'une illustration encadrée. Design d'un mandala avec des montagnes. Mockup of a framed illustration. Design of a mandala with mountains. Illustration @AliceLambertDesign
Maquette d'une carte de voeux anniversaire avec l'illustration d'un mandala bouquet de fleurs. Mockup of a birthday card with an illustration of a flower bouquet within a mandala design. Illustration et photo @AliceLambertDesign

Added value

Whether you’re a company looking to reinforce your brand image with original illustrations,
or in search of images that evoke emotions and well-being, my mandalas are the ideal answer.
In addition to their original aesthetic, my creations invite relaxation, inspiration and creativity.
They can enrich a variety of media, from interior design to visual communication,
as well as a personalized range of products.

Ready to add a touch of originality and well-being to your projects?
Don’t hesitate to contact me to find out how my mandalas can enrich your brand
and become a valuable asset in your communication.

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